Jett’s speech-language pathologist (SLP) suggested adding an extra weekly session of therapy to his schedule, so we’ll be seeing her twice a week now, on Tuesdays and on Wednesdays. She wanted him to become more familiar with the therapy routine, so hopefully he’ll participate better. He gets very overstimulated when he’s in a new place with new people, and adding an extra day should better familiarize him with the environment.

He spent most of this past week’s session fixated on the bubbles that we played with last week, which I was afraid of. He was so distracted the whole time, asking for bubbles over and over again, that he didn’t want to pay much attention to anything else. He still did alright, considering he’d had a couple rough weeks in the past.

We have another evaluation next week with another organization – one that works through the public school system. I’m sure I’ll have more updates after that eval. I’m a little nervous about the possible outcomes, and I’m starting to get overwhelmed by all of these different organizations and appointments. I’m taking it one day at a time, just trying to keep up. Just keep swimming!