We have a very busy several days ahead of us. First off, tomorrow is an evaluation with two developmental psycho-educational specialists. This is basically to determine whether or not autism is a possibility (which I don’t believe it is at this point, but I’m not ruling anything out just yet). As far as I know, these specialists in this department mainly test for and diagnose autism, so I’m not sure if they’re going to be evaluating for any other issues, like ADD or ADHD. Those seem more likely to me right now, although I’m not sure if they diagnose ADD or ADHD at such a young age. I’m sure I’ll find out more tomorrow.

After the initial evaluation, they have the parents come back the next day to discuss the results of the testing and evaluating.

On Monday, we meet with the preschool special education department to discuss something called an IEP, or individualized education plan. Basically, they sit down with the parents and talk about how we can help Jett with his delays through preschool special education and other programs. They’ll recommend a course of action that they believe will help him, based on the testing they’ve done over the past several months. This testing included a natural setting observation, which involved a psychologist coming to our home to evaluate Jett in his natural environment. This evaluation was followed by an arena evaluation, wherein we brought Jett to a school classroom to be evaluated by a school psychologist and a speech-language pathologist. I was also interviewed about Jett several times along the way. All of these tests and evaluations, plus the speech, occupational, and hearing evaluations that were already preformed by other agencies, will be factored into the recommended IEP and will be discussed with us when we go to the meeting.

This IEP could range from additional speech and occupational therapy, to a special education preschool group class, one that would resemble just about any other preschool class. with the exception of a special education focus. The specialists will tell us what they believe to be the best program for him, and we’ll give our input and ideas as well. The meeting is designed to work with the parents to develop an IEP that will work for the whole family. If they recommend a program or therapy that we don’t feel is necessary, we’re not obligated in any way to enroll Jett in that program (although I’m fairly confident that I’ll be willing to enroll him in most programs they recommend).

I’m a little anxious about the IEP meeting, honestly. I’m hoping, for the most part, that they recommend a preschool class for him. I think the interaction with other children would be very beneficial to him, and I bet he’d love it. However, the thought of sending my little boy off to school gets me misty-eyed and, quite frankly, makes me feel old.

I’m also nervous about getting him started in school when there’s a good possibility we’re going to be moving sometime toward next spring/summer (my husband is most likely joining the Navy soon). He’s done so well with all the therapists and specialists that we’ve worked with so far. I hate to lose them. He absolutely loves his speech therapist, and everyone we’ve come in contact with so far has treated us like family. I’ll be really sad to leave them all. I’m also nervous that adjusting to a new environment will cause some regression. I’m keeping my chin up, and I’m thinking good thoughts and praying many prayers that all will go smoothly.

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.